
Long time no see...

Hello, everyone!
This is Laura, your used-to-be-favorite Leatherette.
Yes, I know, I'm not your favorite anymore, because I haven't posted in like two months. But I have reason for that. :)
The reason is...
I'm sick.
Not physically sick, or anything.
But mentally sick.
I haven't posted in so long because I have a terrible, overwhelming obsession.
And that obsession's name is:
"Hello, my name is Laura, I am a Farmville-aholic."
It is like my favorite thing ever!
It is so fun!
It makes me happy! :D
While I am typing this, my farmer on farmville is planting peanuts.
Farmville is so much awesomer than your favorite thing ever.
People who do not play Farmville have not truly lived.
People who say that Farmville players have no life are secretly jealous of the Farmville players because they know that they secretly have no life and they wish that they were cool enough to play Farmville!
But, that said, I feel deep sorrow for abandoning the Leatherettes and blog-readers for so long. So, I will try to post more often and worry about my poor animals and whithering crops less.

I know that this is contradictory to my opinion, but I think it is hilarious!
So watch!
"It's just like being a real farmer, only without the benefits!"

So, if you are a long-time blog reader, then you will know how we got the name The Leatherettes. If not, our very first post gives a short and extremely confusing and corrupted version of the story, so if you would like to be enlightened, then read it. But, pretty much, the Leatherettes thing started last October in a cornmaze. So, this year, on the anniversary of that day, Ems and Ri and I (and Kemyla and Shelby and Kitty) all went back to that same cornmaze and re-met the same people who inspired us to be called The Leatherettes! :D

Well, my Farmville is done now, so imma get off the computer and go watch Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Anyone know if that's a good movie? I asked my mom to rent a horror movie, and that's what she got me.

Go trick-or-treating!
Don't prank call people who are very close to you! (they can tell it's your voice... :P)


"What's that? You found a golden chicken? Post it on Facebook to ALIENATE YOUR FRIENDS!" :D



Okay so this is Emma dearest.
I am a bit creeped out!!!
SCARY PICTURE! Which one of us changed it like so? It is TOO scary!!!



I don't think that I have EVER been so happy for it just to be Friday. I love school but not having a deadline right before you is just a nice feeling for your soul! So I was bored of our old picture.... I love it and all but who doesn't care for a little change?!? It gives this website a whole new feel! I like it..... I would like to thank Kiersten for the picture.... I would also like to thank http://www.picnik.com/ for letting me access it easily. This picture is relatively old but it is new to the page!!! Well it is Friday, I should be doing homework but I am not! :P So there! We our club is well on it's way!
So twist and shout, (Mariah's saying)

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