
I Love to See the Temple

Mariah here!

I would like to inform you that I am not, in fact, dead. I am here! Sorry, Emma, when you get back! I took a blog hiatus. Laura, you should blog for us. :)

Today I went to a soccer game with my mom, Savannah and Russell, grandma Mary, and myself! Alyvia scored a goal, and she worked very well with her team! I am proud of that girl. I think I will keep her!

After the soccer game we were famished! So we went to IHOP to get some yuummy pancakes. Man, I was so happy we went. Won't have IHOP for another 18 months!

Since we were on Riverdale we decided to go shopping! I got two pairs of the comfiest shoes on earth for my mission. Man, I am certain I will be praying my thanks about those after a while. I really needed some good, sturdy shoes. It was so nice of my mom to get them for me! I love that girl!

To cap it all off-- I went to the temple today with mi madre and some choice people! It was really so wonderful. The peaceful feeling felt there and the symbolism are my favorite things. I expected to feel super weird, but everyone was so helpful. I have had to change desires, habits, and choices so that I could enter into the Lord's temple, but it was no sacrifice.

President Monson says it 29054x better than me! :)

"Why are so many willing to give so much in order to receive the blessings of the temple? Those who understand the eternal blessings which come from the temple know that no sacrifice is too great, no price too heavy, no struggle too difficult in order to receive those blessings. There are never too many miles to travel, too many obstacles to overcome, or too much discomfort to endure. They understand that the saving ordinances received in the temple that permit us to someday return to our Heavenly Father in an eternal family relationship and to be endowed with blessings and power from on high are worth every sacrifice and every effort." 
(President Thomas S. Monson, "The Holy Temple--A Beacon to the World," April 2011 General Conference)
I hope your Saturday was wonderful!


In My Heart of Hearts I Do Trust. ... No thanks to Ali and Kelly.

Once upon a time, I said something like, "In my heart of hearts, ... (I can't remember the rest)." Kelly and Ali made fun of me for that, but I thought it was a perfectly legitimate and common phrase. Apparently it was campy and cliché.

Maybe Ali and Kelly thought I was silly or foolish for using that phrase (I think I just sounded like an old emotional lady).  BUT I discovered today that the phrase comes from one of a larger repute than I--and he is not an old emotional lady!

Act 3, Scene 2 of Hamlet:
"In my heart's core, ay, in my heart of heart, as I do thee." 

So yeah, it might be outdated, but if that's the case-- so are "all of a sudden," "dead as a doornail," "fight fire with fire," and "wear my heart on my sleeve." Plus, some of those are pretty campy and cliché, too. So, there. 




It is over half-way over. How can this be? GUYS, I have to tell you that I love GISHWHES so much. PLEASE do it next year. Laura, this has your name written all over it. Find a team, win the wooster. Do some charity. Por favor!

Tonight I am making a robot costume in order to...


How abnosome is that?*

I can't post pictures now, but I will after the Hunt.

Things I will miss about GISHWHES/things that I love about GISHWHES

  • Watching Merlin while wigmaking
  • Getting injuries while wigmaking
  • Making abnosome costumes to wear in public places
  • Asking people on Facebook for the most random favors
  • Being part of a community of total strangers who are willing to work together in order to, get this, help other total strangers
  • Having something to be totally, whole-heartedly pumped about
{Please consider GISHWHES next year and write me all about it!}

Mariah the Grand

* Abnosome: abnormally awesome



This is me before GISHWHES.

I go to BYU, and I love art. I am a friend to many, a lover of books, a proud Harry Potter nerd, and above all, a normal, testimony-bearing, young adult. 

In 5 minutes and 34 seconds, the world will break!



3 Days, 17 hours, 59 minutes, and 03 seconds until GISHWHES

Oh my gosh, I am so scared for this.


I am dying inside from anticipation and fright and excitement and emotions  This is going to be great! I am psyched!



Pepsi, Buzzfeed, Cleaning, and Sleep or the Lack Thereof

I tried to go to bed at 12:30 tonight (well, actually, I tried to go to bed earlier but I ended up in my bed at about 12:30), and just could not sleep! So of course, I meandered on Pottermore for a half hour or so until I felt sleepy. But then I decided a Pepsi sounded good (and I never ever have pop so why did that sound good?), and then I really couldn't sleep.

Now, here I am at 3:30 in the morning looking at buzzfeed's articles on cleaning. I want to get up and clean right now, but I know I need sleep and also I will be one ornery gal tomorrow if I don't sleep soon. Also I hate sleeping in. Then I decide maybe I can stay up all night and tomorrow! That is a horrible idea, though, and I know it. But what has become of my life?!?!

LIKE, really?!

Well, I hope I can clean a lot tomorrow and that I still feel like it.

Good night/good morning!


Emma's Safe, Bloggers Needed

Emma got to Mexico safe and sound with little trouble!

Read about her adventures at makingnerdyohsoclassy.blogspot.com :3

ALSO -- someone should really blog, because this was never meant to be just Mariah's blog.



Google is Coo-gle. That Means Cool.

Hello, people!

Did you know you could do this?
Because I did not and that is some fancy stuff that I can't wait to partake in! For various reasons. ... Nah, I really have no reason to use this. hahaha BUT it is awesome!

I can't believe I hated google just two years ago. ... I still don't know why. Actually, I thought they were going to be too big of a business, and I was right about that. ... So nevermind, I know.



There is no Title For This Post

I was beginning to think this blog was gathering cobwebs and becoming an old haunted blog, so I am happy to see Emma Rose posted TWICE! Twice, people! Now we will just work on Laura. ;D ... And Kemyla. And Charlotte.  Oh, my. ;)

Lately my life has been work, work, work. I mean, I only work like 35 hours a week, and my mom won't let me get another job. But it has been good for me! I am happy I get to save for my mission, and with most of my friends out and about, I have nothing to spend my money on besides my mission! haha It is superb.

Also, today I said almost goodbye to one of my very best friends, Emma Rose. You guys, I don't know if you can understand the impact knowing her has made in my life. She makes me want to be my best self, who is a daughter of God! She is so easy for me to be CER-AZAY with, and I just love that. Her service-mindedness and love never cease to amaze me! I so would not be the same without that girl. Just knowing how she has blessed my life makes me feel 100% okay with her leaving for 18 months to Washington. She will truly be a tool in God's hand, doing His work and spreading His love and joy. What a pleasure and what a blessing.




As if I am not stressing out enough due to the fact that I am speaking in front of people tomorrow, I just had the most horrible moment of my existence.

I had been working on completing my farewell talk this morning when I realized I had no idea where by scriptures were. I looked around every place I could have left them, but with no avail. So I notified my parents about my concern over my missing scriptures. But they were busy working on the house and said, well why don't you look were you last had them. Which I had! So I started stressing out to the tenth degree.

I ended up putting off finishing my talk so I could run my errands all across Utah. I came back eight hours later and went straight to finishing my talk. One major problem though. I still had no idea where my scriptures went! So instead of focusing on what I was writing all I could think about were these words that were running through my head:

"Seriously, who in the world loses their scriptures the day before their farewell! Emma, how completely un-together you must be!"

Huh, not really the kind of thoughts you want whirling in your head while you are writing a talk! So I went searching for my scriptures again. But this time it was the panic searching where you look in every completely unlikely spot in your house because you are so frazzled in where the thing must be! I was looking behind couches, underneath dirty dishes, and in every dark corner of my home. I went to my mother again for help, plus you know that your mom is the best finder of anything. Only she looked and couldn't find them either! So then I knew I was hopeless, cause if yo mamma can't find it, ain't nobody finding it. 

Well, to keep this story short, a miracle was sent to me! I was directed right to the place of their current dwelling. My nieces had been playing house and for some unknown reason they had stuffed my scriptures in a purse and left it in my mom's office. A room I only go in biannually. 

Well, now if I can just calm down, I will go finish my talk. Technically looking at time amount I am done. It is only to be 10-15 minutes. But with just my introduction and conclusion I am at 12.... Thus is my life. So now I get to shorten and write up a storm! Then tonight I will be posting my farewell post, for tonight will be my last personal post for a year and a half! 

Love you lots!
Life is stressful, but at least it is interesting. 
And shout out to my nieces! I love you! And I love that you love my scriptures! But next time.... Return them afterwards please! They are very dear to me! 


Oh No, Someone is in Trouble....

This is full confession time from Emma.

I have become weak... I have falling into a poor habit of mine again. This isn't good. I found my soft spot for country.... I thought I had killed the country liking part of my heart until:

Hunter Hayes.

Oh man, he voice is like the rebirth of Rascal Flatts to my ears and it reawakened my apathy for country.

I'm actually a bit mad at him! I have been trying so hard to let go of country and leave as a bittersweet part of my past! I don't want to be a country lover! But oh, when Rascal Flatts soul come again into my ears by way of Hunter Hayes, I had no hope. I'm a gonner.

Check out his song "I Want Crazy"
-EmRo #theunlovingcountryliker


Nothing is Really Ever Impossible

The other week, Emma and I decided to try and do the impossible. While others desire to fly, or go to the moon, Emma and I have often held loftier goals.

Like nailing jell-o on trees.

We set out on our adventure on the eve of the 17th of July.  It was about 5:45 pm by the time we began fixing the jell-o. We tried one with the normal recipe and stuck it in the freezer. We also tried one jell-o with half of the water called for and stuck that in the fridge. It was good stuff! We watched an adaptation of Persuasion while the jell-o was gettin' hard.

We watched the version with the "most handsomest man" that I have ever laid eyes upon!!
It was ridiculously cute--except for this guy below.

He just came in in all the wrong parts and was a general no-do-gooder!

Don't worry, she doesn't choose Mr. Elliot. 

When the jell-o was good enough to nail, we set outside and decided to make an event on the spot.

None of our friends came, but we did only give them like a two minute notice.

Here's the jell-o making business going down:



My Life is Equivalent to a 15 Second Firework Show

Hello friends!
So I have been successfully avoiding obligations for the last three months...


Then all of my ghost responsibilities started to haunt me! All demanding my life here and now.

So now I feel like this incident: a firework show in California last year accidentally sent itself off all at once. Resulting in a 30 minute show being reduced a 15 seconds EXPLOSION. It is actually quite hilarious.
Check out the video.

Disclaimer, no one was hurt in the event! Click on the link below!

Firework Fenzie

haha from


Blessings, ftw

Hola, Mishamigos!

You know what are great? BLESSINGS! Ah, I just love those things. (★^O^★)

Today, I challenge you to a duel to count your blessings--because maybe you don't think you are all that blessed, or maybe you do! But there is so so much to be grateful for. Good music, great friends, the summer sunshine, dusty books, old hands to hold, tasty Subway sandwiches(・∀・)HA HA, new people to meet, and especially a lovely temple only a mile away.

Dudes, life is great even if it doesn't feel so all the time.

And you know what?! SO ARE YOU!!



One Nursery, Two Children, Three Wardrobe Changes

For the last few weeks I have been the on-call Nursery sub in my ward! Whoo! Perks of having your mum in the primary presidency. I actually have really enjoyed my hours with these cute sweet little children of God! :) <3 p="">
But today I got to stretch my nursery experience! Due to one of the nursery workers moving away and the other being sick and unable to come to church, my mom asked me if I could manage the nursery all on my lonesome. I was a bit nervous! But all went well! Except there was a need for three wardrobe changes... From just two children... HAHA. That was an interesting component of my day.



Goodbyes and the Time in Between

Goodbyes are never fun. Never. 

Okay, unless you are saying goodbye to your kidnapper. 

No, that is not fun. Just happy.

ANYWAY-- Kelly just left for her mission and is in the MTC. 

Right now. 

I am so proud of the decision she has made to serve, and I know she will be great. Emma is going to the MTC at the end of July, which is really only LIKE ONE MONTH. ONE MONTH AWAY. I have never been without Emma for so long! I mean, I guess I have. We only became hanging-out-friends since 9th grade. But 18 months is a long time! And then Penni is leaving for the MTC in September! We basically hang out all the time, so that will be sure dang weird. We have some time though, so I am happy about that. And Ali is in Washing-Pashington... Kemyla and Charlotte are in Logan now. Laura is in SLC.

Basically my friends are forever everywhere. hahaha

BUT guess what! I have the best friends ever, and I am so happy that I know them. That's the over-reaching message. It would be a little sad if it wasn't so hard to say goodbye. So for now, I am content to live up all the time I have now with these amazing people who have touched my life for good. I have learned hard lessons with them, and even though sometimes I may get annoyed at them or we don't see each other for a while...

I know we will always be friends.



Less Wise but More Content

Today I got my wisdom teeth out! I wasn't put under since I went to my dentist instead of an oral surgeon.  I guess I had the option to be put out, but they didn't tell us about it and then when we got there they said that they needed a heads up so I could come early enough for it to kick in. Welp, we missed that boat! Haha

At first I was a little worried, but I decided to take it like a Winchester (hello, Supernatural). They gave me some laughing gas. I mostly just felt really happy and okay with that stuff, though I did laugh at nothing three times. That's all! Not that much. I told myself to stop because I did not want to be that crazy girl laughing by herself while the dentist waited for her numbing shots to get working.

The teeth themselves were mighty stubborn, but we got them out after two hours or so. I was so numb that I really only felt the intense pressure or digging in my mouth and then pulling teeth that were clearly really happy where they were. I had to get nine sutures, and it was really weird watching the string and needle come out of my mouth and then back in.  Sort of surreal.

I expected to hurt a ton more. Right now I mostly feel a pressure in my mouth, but I feel fine. Just really sleepy.

On a spiritual and somewhat unrelated note, as I read my scriptures today I felt so calmed and peaceful. I know that the Book of Mormon is true guys. I am so grateful for this gospel and I am so so so excited to share it with the El Salvador and Belize peoples! I am so so happy! I know that the Lord asks us to do hard things, but He does it so we can learn to trust Him, and so that we can become like Him one day. It needs to be hard so we can do that. I am grateful for the path I have taken, and I know it will lead me to my Father and my Savior one day.

Welp. Just be grateful for your sound and healthy teeth! And a diet that does not have to consist of liquids...


P.S. My awesome friends Penni and Pemma brought me ice cream!! How nice of them! <3 p="" yuuum="">

Notes from a Paper Doll

Yesterday John Mayer gave a great anniversary present to me! Ahhh I love him.

Now don't panic here. I'm not crazy. I don't think I am in a relationship with a celebrity I have never met.

The anniversary I celebrated yesterday was the marking of a year since my first college class. Wow. I can't believe it has been a year. John Mayer's music got me through my first term and I couldn't thank him enough. And then he came out with such a beautiful song on such a special day. John Mayer, you are the man.

Em Rosy


No Greater Call

I am going to the El Salvador Santa Ana/Belize Mission, and will report on October 30th, 2013.  

I have quite a bit of time left to prepare and work hard, and boy am I ready to do so!  Every penny saved is worth it, every page read of the Book of Mormon and Preach My Gospel is a blessing, and every weakness examined and evaluated is beautiful.  I am so ready to serve the Lord, and I will do so with a full and willing heart.

I cannot tell you how amazing it was to open my mission call and find it to be El Salvador Santa Ana/Belize mission, Spanish speaking.  I am so excited to learn Spanish, teach people, and strengthen my own testimony at the same time.  Tonight I was pondering my testimony.  Opposition is a real thing, and I have been feelin' it!  But I was reminded tonight of what I have known for so long.

I know that this gospel is true.  I know that my Father in Heaven sent me here for a reason, and that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I can return to Him.  I am so so very grateful to Jesus Christ for His Atonement.  I have been forgiven when I myself doubted I could be.  I have felt peace and comfort in knowing that the Lord knows what I have been through because He went through it too.  I have gained a sweet assurance of His love for me, because He was willing to die for me. Without Him I would be utterly lost and I know that for a fact.

I am so excited to share this great news!

The Lord lives, He loves us, and He has a work for us to do.

Until next time,
Hermana Avocado


The Return of Priest and Laurel Camp

Hello everybody!

I just came back from an amazing experience and my heart is so full! I am so excited to share my feelings about it. Can I just thank the blog for always being here to hear me out? I am in deep gratitude.

Background: Two years ago I went to Priest and Laurels (PAL) Camp. It was a delightful experience, rain and all. I must say it was a turning point in my life.

Almost three weeks ago my Bishop told me that I had been invited to come to PAL, even though I was a year too old to go. Me and my fellow lifetime "wardie" and friend Syd was invited also to come as newly called sister missionaries. I quickly remembered how much the last PAL camp meant to me and was quick to want to go! But then I was told the dates. It clashed with my family trip to go participate in Dirty Dash which my sister and I have been planning for almost eight months. So I thought I couldn't go.

As soon as I thought I could not go something seem to nag me that I should check my options. But I brought up the date clashing concern to my mom and she didn't suggest any other option so I let it go, kinda. Something kept on nagging me that it would be best if I could go.

Well, two weeks later my mom was talking to my Young Women's President. She had been told by Syd that I was going to PAL. My mom brought up the Dirty Dash conflict but by the end of the conversation she had signed me up for coming up two days. She told me this and the nagging feeling and myself were quite excited and relieved! And so I went!

And now I am back! And wow. It was something special. In fact it was another turning point, in so many I ways I could not explain them all! I so got out of my comfort zone {THIS IS A HUGE THING PEOPLE}! And I can't believe I had enough motivation to do so!

Usually when I go to camp I am with all girl and I act all nerdy. Everyone loves to be entertained by me {at least I hope they love it}! But I am always acting quite strange. Well this time it was different but in the most awesome of ways! I was put in a group that seemed to click the moment we all met! And guess what? They loved to act just as crazy as I do! So we became the crazy annoying group that got along so awesomely well! We became family in less than 30 minutes flat! So much so that when I went to leave early I went to my parents crying asking if there was a way to let me stay. Now crying sounds dramatic but coming home from college I have learned that goodbyes are HARD. So hard. And it reopened those not completely healed wounds.

Well, I love my OLIVE group family, my M&M duo, and our crazy CRAZY times together.

Oh wow. I can't believe I was blessed so much in less than 48 hours.


Summer is in Session

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen {wait, we don't talk to boys--why are you here? ;D }, to the most
S p e c t a c u l a r
W o n d e r f u l
Event that we like to call...
S U M M E R!

I don't really understand or comprehend the reasoning behind my sudden enthusiasm for SUMMER and all of its LOVELINESS, but I am not questioning it because it feels magical!  For instance, I get to wake up, read my scriptures, draw, watch Supernatural, work, hang out with friends, go to Nickel Cade, get monies from said job, save for my mission, go on a mission, see my family, hang out all night and bask in the lightness/warmth, enjoy the little beauties we call stars, drive about, go to the Temple, talk about religious stuffs with friends, go to Provo, have friends from college come to BC town, watch Doctor Who, read books, swim with Emma, call my grandma at any time of the day that is reasonable, visit cemeteries for loved ones to say hi, clean my house for mi madre, pretend I know Spanish, write to missionaries, blog, paint, learn new things like typography, and BE AWESOME, etc! (wow, did you just read that whole thing?)


Soon Emma will be in love with Benedict Cumberbatch.

Mariah Elena


Leave Good For Great


News update from EmRo coming your way! Hurray!

Today my mother's "Tucker" showed.... But I am going to leave that story at that. Though I do love to see her Tucker. I wonder how much Tucker is in me.

Well in other news, it is summer!! For all you grade school peeps. Haha.... Now it does feel more like summer for me too. I think I am going to get my hair wet tomorrow.

On a more serious note I have been trying to think deeply lately, which is a bit bothersome cause some questions just seem so confusing. Luckily I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and through this amazing gospel I find answers even to the most troublesome questions. Today  I want to highlight a quote that I am understanding more and more each day. "True doctrine, understood, changes attitude and behavior." President Boyd K. Packer. I am deeply thankful for this quote. Though it looks simply, this small phrase is immensely profound. It is the key to a lot of questions that are currently boggling my mind. This quote has served me in many ways. It has helped me to be more patient and understanding to those who are missing true doctrine. I think sometimes I am too quick to get frustrated with those around me and myself when all we just need is some help seeing the wisdom of the principle. Also it helps me to realize the definite need for personal testimony and experimenting on God's words. See Alma 32 in the Book of Mormon! I know that I am thankful for every bit of doctrine I have come to understand. When I come to an understanding I am blessed. Standards don't seem burdensome once I take the time to test principles and come to understand them, rather I realize their potential to bless me in countless ways. Understanding doctrine is GREAT! It brings a whole new level to my life.

So, "Today, leave good for great!" {Listen to Matt and Kim's song "Leave Good for Great" though it isn't completely related I love knowing that we can choose to leave good for something greater!}

Love, Ems
P.s. I hope this post makes sense! Sometimes I wonder if I make any sense at all.


You're Something Special

I wanted to share a post from my mission prep blog (mariahsmissionprep.blogspot.com) tonight.  I just think it is so true and it makes me so happy!  Read if ye dare! ARRrrr

I am reading in Preach My Gospel chapter 11, "Keep Commitments." 

In Treasure Planet, the 2002 Disney movie, there is a part where Jim and John Silver the Cyborg are on their space-boat.  Though really at no fault of his own, a crew member was lost when the mooring that Jim had tied came undone, killing said crew member. (So not Jim's fault, as an evil dude really cut it.) Just when Jim thought he was on the crest of realizing his dreams, he makes this momentous mistake. John Silver is conflicted, because he honestly believes in Jim and is starting to see him as a son but he doesn't want his pirate buddies to think he's "gone soft."  Anyway,  John listens to his soft side and tells Jim that he can just see him shining, that one day he would blow everyone away.  Jim believes Silver, and most importantly, believes in himself again.

I read D&C 76:5-10 tonight.

For thus saith the Lord—I, the Lord, am merciful and gracious unto those who fear me, and delight to honor those who serve me in righteousness and in truth unto the end.
Great shall be their reward and eternal shall be their glory.
And to them will I reveal all mysteries, yea, all the hidden mysteries of my kingdom from days of old, and for ages to come, will I make known unto them the good pleasure of my will concerning all things pertaining to my kingdom.
Yea, even the wonders of eternity shall they know, and things to come will I show them, even the things of many generations.
And their wisdom shall be great, and their understanding reach to heaven; and before them the wisdom of the wise shall perish, and the understanding of the prudent shall come to naught.
For by my Spirit will I enlighten them, and by my power will I make known unto them the secrets of my will—yea, even those things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor yet entered into the heart of man.

I imagined Heavenly Father looking at us that way, seeing how one day we would shine and would be so wise.  All because of Him. I can just imagine Him being so happy when we get closer to recognizing our greatness. He tries to help us see it all the time.

Until next time,

Mission Paper Satus: Submitted


 P A R I A H   P A V O C A D O 'S !

Cool, right?

I am feeling really, really, blissfully, peacefully, energetically, frazzled-y, scared-ly happy. I just sit and wait now!  Soon I will know where the Lord wants me to go, where He has prepared for me all the time. And I am so excited for that!

I have been counseled to read the Book of Mormon, Preach My Gospel, and my Patriarchal Blessing together as an integrated study led by the Spirit by my Stake President.  I am excited to study these wonderful things together and be uplifted! 

Have a great night.



From Zero to Stressed in 60 seconds

Whoooeeeeee... My life has exploded with busyness! Can I handle it? I sure do hope so.


Life at teh Momento

Emma... you know how I do the P instead of the first initial of someone's name? (DANG, my secret is out.) Well, if I did mine, it would be Pariah! ha, um, it is a good thing that I just go by Mariah on here.

So, life.

Life is going pretty perfectly right now.  I am working at Subway - or Pubway, although it isn't a pub.  That has been really nice, but sometimes boring.  We are right by a bay, and so we get a lot of customers in the summer.  Now, the beginning of summer right after a recent oil spill at said bay?  Not so much.  This means cleaning, cleaning, organizing, and prepping.  Oh, and cleaning.  I can't complain!  I have a job with some cool people!  And I get to make sandwiches!  Today I made someone's Philly steak and cheese sandwich, and he told me that it was the best looking sandwich he has ever gotten at a Pubway, and that it was just like his ma was making it at home!  I thought that was sweet.  So the fact that I get to make awesome sandwiches is a plus.  A minus? Truckers calling me "cutie" all the time. hahaha

I have to say, too, that I am in love with my room right now.  Why? I have a million pillows and it is really orderly at the moment, and bright and cheery and AWESOME!  I have definitely learned, too, that my room is what I make it!  I like thinking that my room is a temple of sorts for me; a place where I can ponder, pray, and understand what my Father wants me to learn and do.  I know that this is true for the home in general.

ALSO -- where will I go on my mission?  It still doesn't feel real to me because I don't have a mission call, but I am trying harder to prepare.  It has been impressed upon me that I need to work hard so that I am more fit for the Lord's work!  As I prepare more, I feel more ready and excited.  I think that the idea of a mission scares the crap out of me, so I haven't been as vocal about my excitement as others.  I know that a mission is right for me, and I am really excited to share the gospel.  But I guess I am just a fearful little ant!  But, you know, I was scared for college before I went--and now I miss college so much and love the experiences I had and the people I met!  BYU is a school of learning.  So is the temple.  So is a mission.  I know that I must let my faith trump the fear.  Because, hello, I am not doin' this alone!

Guess who we have on our side?

Our Savior!  He is pretty much the coolest ever!

Well, adios, amigos.



A Message from Soon to be Sister Phipps

Hello Dear World!

This might be the most difficult post for me to write just because my heart is so full and there is so much to say!

Also... whenever I start thinking about my mission my mind goes all crazy!!! {I started writing this post 15 minutes ago and got the first sentence out but then I started researching various missionary things and now this post is lost in a sea of seven tabs. Oops.} For the last few nights when I have laid my head to rest my brain has had other ideas than sleep. I stay awake for hours just imagining my mission, the people, and the journey of joy it will be. I really enjoy this thinking time! 

Wanna hear where I am serving? 

I am beyond delighted to announce that I have been called to serve in the Washington Spokane Mission speaking the beautiful language of Spanish! I will be leaving to the Mexico MTC July 31, 2013! :D

I write deeper about this specific night on my personal blog. Click here! E> Making Nerdy Oh So Classy
Well... At least I did until it didn't save. :( I'll write again tomorrow. 

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about my mission! 
  • What were my first thoughts when I read my assigned mission? {Asked persistently by my parents.} Honestly the first thought I had was more of a feeling/thought thing... It is what I describe as a "click." It just seemed to click in my head as being right and being a fact, if that makes any sense. With the "click" during the first milliseconds, where my head had just barely comprehended the word Washington, I literally thought to myself, "Washington, Washington. Hey! I know where that is!" But I actually had no clue where Spokane was! {And for the first two hours after my call I could not spell it either... haha} Then I thought, "my cousins live near Washington in Portland", little did I know that I was on the opposite side of the state. This is weird but sometimes I feel like I have never heard of anything existing on the East side of Washington, kinda like how nothing seems to exists in Utah away from the Wasatch mountains, our security blanket. But their is a whole lot of wonderfulness there! Whoo!
  • July 31st? That is so soon! Okay, this is more a half question half statement, but ah well! I actually love the date {and it holds a lot of significance! Harry Potter, BC temple ground breaking, Japaneses Exchange students, National Dance Day, Wizard of Oz, and being a 31st day itself makes it great!) Plus I do not feel that it is too soon. I was expecting the possibility of a sooner than normal assignment since my call was initially sent in over two and a half months ago. Some of my friends got their calls this week and the last week and they are not leaving until September. I am thankful to be leaving in July. It just feels right for me. I do realize that preparing for a mission takes a lot! So I know I really have to be on top of things now and everyday until then to avoid stress.
  •  Mexico MTC to go to somewhere in the states, what is up with that? {My mom called it weird... haha} Yes! I get a passport to go to Washington Spokane! I love this! On January 31, 2013 {hey that was six months exactly before my MTC report date! Awesome! There we go with the 31st day thing again!} the church announced that they would be converting a high school in Mexico City into a MTC to serve Spanish learners. The Church released this statement:                                                                                             "Church leaders announced today that the Church-owned high school Benemerito de las Americas near Mexico City will become a training center for missionaries who will serve in Mexico and other countries of North {that's me!!!}, Central and South America. Church leaders made the decision after considering every immediate alternative that could alleviate the demand at the Church’s other missionary training centers around the world, including the MTC in Provo, Utah." I will be among the very first missionaries to go to this new MTC! Read more about this new MTC in Mexico where I will be learning and loving Espanol, click here. >Mormon Newsroom: Mexico MTC
  • Will you forget English? This is an adorable question I have been asked by a few of my sweet younger friends. I promised them I wouldn't forget English! I will still be in America and speaking English a lot! This question has myself asking how does this whole Spanish speaking mission work in America? I have asked parents and past Spanish missionaries serving in America about this and what they have told is awesome! It sounds so perfect how the Church makes these missions work so wonderfully for Spanish speaking missions in the good ol' US of A! I am excited. I did hear from one parent that her missionary said it was kind of like a bandaid. Full immersion speakers get their bandaid ripped off quick and easy. For those speaking Spanish in an English dominate country it is more like the painful slowly tear off approach. :S Good to know. Here is another reason I am excited for the Mexico MTC, I feel it will throw me in to the Spanish language. :D 
Well, that is all for now! I shall go face my recent fear of riding bikes now. 
Lots of Love, 
Soon to be Sister Phipps
Sorry this post is so long!


The Perfect Day

This week has been pretty great so far.

I never thought of breakfast as a community event until Pelly, a friend from Provo, started making it one. If we went to the temple together in the morning, she would excitedly suggest breakfast. It's her favorite meal. I have never met anyone who loves breakfast as much as Pelly. So we started making breakfast a big deal. Now I am the one who is extremely excited about breakfast! I love breakfast food anywho, but pancakes and talking to the most awesome people I know makes breakfast 14879340532757x better. 

Yesterday started off with a wonderful breakfast with Penni and Emma (don't have to change her name, she already blogs. haha). It was so much fun sitting and talking a bit before setting out for a HIKE! I am really appreciative of Penni and Emma for going on this adventure, because it was steep and sort of scary coming down. hahaha And we didn't think it would be that bad.  It wasn't really that bad, but I think I just didn't think about it as much as Emma and Penni did.  Though in hindsight, I probably should have.  I am going to make a guess and say they will probably live longer than I will.

After our hike to the waterfall we swam together!  It was perfect weather for swimming, and the water was just right.  We floated like dead people (I don't know why either).  It cracked me up and I would start laughing under water, which isn't good if you don't want water in your nose.

Then I completed my physical for my mission papers! WHOO! All is well, except I need to get a shot in August. MAN, this is so exciting! Now I just need some interviews, and a dentist's appointment.  How is that for legit? Answer: LEGIT AND DANG AWESOME!

I am so proud of all my friends who have decided to serve missions. I know they will be great.  I know the Lord will help us as we strive to do His will and serve His children.  We who are on the Lord's mission are entitled to His help--not in a whiny or proud way.  Just in a "Of course He will help, this is His work!" way. ha

Well, adios amigos.

I GUESS EMMA IS GOING TO the place that the Lord has been preparing for her since the beginning. (cop out, but so true that it is sort of beautiful).



May the Fourth Be With You and You and You!!!

In a time not so long ago and at a school far, far away.... (If you live in Russia) I was introduced to one of my favorite days ever! All revolving around a pun and Star Wars! Two of my favorite things!

To celebrate this glorious Star Wars day, watch one of my favorite videos ever.

Yes, this shows my true nerd side. What nerdy nerd wouldn't rejoice over cellos and Vader?

Princess EmRo of a galaxy far far farrrrr away!


Goodbye Gallbladder

I made it through surgery! It wasn't even bad at all. I mean I feel it but it isn't nearly half as bad as I thought it would be. Actually I feel surprisingly well!

I know I have been backed up by many prayers, I thank everyone who offered words to our Savior concerning me.

I actually was supposed to stay overnight but I surprised the doctors and the nurses by how well I was doing. The doctor came by and said I easily passed the two criteria for going home. He raised the option to go home early and I readily took it! Being in the hospital room was an adventure but I wanted home. My parents didn't want to stay overnight with me and I really didn't want to stay alone at the hospital. But that wasn't a problem since I get to be home!

Happy Emma!
Now I am just having fun planning my future as much as I can!


Back In My Home Ward! :D


Dear lovely people,
I have oh so much to be grateful for!  I too, like Mariah, am home for a season here in my good ol' home town. I am excited to be doing all sorts of great things! College has gotten me used to spending lots of time trying to accomplish things. So when thinking about coming home, I wanted to make sure that I would keep up my productivity! Which sometimes is hard to do. I am anxiously awaiting the time when I will be ready to receive my mission call! So, as part of the things I should be accomplishing now I am counting on working on being prepared to be a missionary for my wonderful Savior. How exciting! I'll keep you posted on the great things I will be filling up my life with!

Today I had a wonderful experience! While being at BYU I enjoyed seeing missionary work expanding in such strides. I loved attending the many mission call openings and feeling the spirit come as each future missionary opened their called and heard where the Lord wanted them to go. On each person's face, you could see their trust and assurance in knowing they where going to the place the Lord had designed for them as the Holy Ghost testified to them it is right. With the call now opened, the person seemed to be beaming with enthusiasm that lasted weeks upon weeks, growing as their time came closer for them to go. I loved that experience. What has testified to me even more was returning to my homeward and seeing this same miracle happening to four of my ward friends.  I have known them since my birth, and to see their lifes' brightened with mission excitement hit me in a powerful way.

I can't wait to get my call and join with this wonderful group of youth. Until then, I can keep on preparing myself! Yay! I am so blessed for this opportunity to witness and take part in this great moment in history.

Speaking of history. I have two new loves! Church history and family history! I am excited to be spending my time doing more of these wonderful things too!

Em Ro


Hello There, I am Home!

I already miss these girls!  The very thing I love about college, which is the fact that I get to meet so many amazing people, is the thing I dislike most (I have to leave them).

But in other news...

I AM HOME!  And I am so excited for a fun summer! :)
Can't wait to see my BC best friends.  WOO



The End of the Froshy Year

When I came to college I did not expect that it would be so great.  I got to meet so many new people!  We did service together (and I got hit in the head with a tree at a service thing--but that's another story), went to the temple together, attended class together, studied together, ate together, even slept in the same bed together.  We learned and grew and helped each other out so much!  We loved each other!

The very thing that makes college so awesome makes it so very, very difficult.  My friends are leaving and so am I!  I won't see them for about 2 years.  We're leaving everything.  Even our awesome little dorm rooms!  I am cleaning and packing, and now my room is a dismal shade of white.  Where there were once butterflies and posters, there is just cinder block.  Sad, right?!  But that just leaves room for the next froshy to come along and decorate!  I am so glad I got to come to BYU and meet these people I am privileged to call my very best friends.  I shan't forget them any time soon. 

I am really grateful for my friends back at home who make this easier.  I haven't seem some of them in so long, and I am excited to hang out with them!  WOO!  And then there's the mission, which I am so excited for.  Not really a pumped up sort of excitement, but more of a quiet thrill of joy at the thought of being able to share the Lord's gospel with people.

Well, as things come to a close at BYU, I am still looking forward to the future.

Because in case you didn't know, my future is bright!



Exciting News!

Hey, ya'll!

I wanted to let you know that something exciting happened to me not too long ago.

I have been accepted for the Art Education track here at good ole BYU!

Emma went with me to get the letter.  It took me a minute to convince myself that I should, in fact, open it.  But when I did I was so happy!  I am so excited to start this track when I get back from my mission. :3 YAY!



Peeta the Hipster

So.... THE NEW CATCHING FIRE TRAILER came out!!!!!! And Peeta looks hipster-ish! Which I love right now but will laugh at in 10 years. Ahh well. Good reminiscent factor.
Emma Rose


General Conference and Basically the Best Weekend Ever

Alright, ya'll.  This weekend three of my awesome friends and I got to attend the Sunday evening session of General Conference!  I had a blast.  We made breakfast, listened to the first half of the morning session, listened to the rest on the way to SLC, and then got there!  We sat in the Terrace, so it is not as high or low as we could be.  It was dang awesome.  I am excited to read the talks again next month/ watch them soon!

We are so cute, holding our hands the same way and stuff... :)

I don't know why, but I really love this photo.  It's perfect. 
Having so much fun with these flowers!  Lovely!

Kelly and Ali are the cutest girls and the cutest friends!  Squish!

We were both laughing, but I can't remember why!  Probably because we are so happy to be in SLC! ;)

Mission prep.  Hello, Irma Briggs!  Hello, Sister Alvarado!

 Then we came back, had dinner, and eventually had a sleep over!  BEST WEEKEND EVER.  I am glad Penni could come down, because we all had a lot of fun!  This summer will be way fun, too. :)
Reasons this was the best weekend:

  • The Tanner Building. ... Ask about that one.  It involves doors, locks, and Les Mis.
  • Found a cat outside
  • General Conference
  • Got to attend part of General Conference
  • Fun photos
  • Penni
  • Kelly
  • Ali
  • Pangea bed
  • Easy essay
  • Gelling my hair, which turned out CRAZY
  • Breakfast this morning


I'm Worth Following...?

After studying for 2 hours I finished my homework with 10 minutes to spare before my 4 o'clock Civ class. So for a brain break I went onto my Twitter account and went to my eldest tweets.

Oh, wow, I was one deep fifteen year old. I was just changing the world with all my amazing words of wisdom! Actually, that statement is a major lie. So while all my fellow classmates were discussing deep philosophical moral saving questions, I was laughing at just how ridiculousness I am!
I am sharing my words of grandness with you, I hope you enjoy them one faction as much as I did. 

I subjected myself to embarrassment as I was laughing at my phone in hysterics.

Here is one of my very first tweets. Make sure to admire my spelling. My "no"ledge of spelling is superb... or something. 

Here I am quoting my mom. Not sure why I thought it was worth sharing since no one else would understand it. Oh snap. I did it again! I can't help share to no one who will understand!

Haha... That is my morning optimism speaking...  Me clean? Real truth will come later in this post. 

Oh.. You know all ya need is a hamster ball and you are set. But you get strange looks from eleven year olds in the neighborhood who are wondering why your "soccer ball" is moving by itself.  

Um.... 5 points for whoever knows what this is referring to. 

 The truth.

My wisdom for Laura, oh philosophical self. 

Those golden shoes did control the weather. And squished my feet. 


This is ironic. But no worries Laura is going to start blogging manically again! And what face is this

I don't even know.....

The joys of living in BC! Tis an adventure!

Oh... I don't even know if this is funny. But it kinda is.... AH

Then I could do this!

Or if a goat is too much of a hardship to get then you than here:

Oh my life is such a hardship.