
Guess What!

The sorting hat has told me that I am in…


Ravenclaw! Smile

And it totally fits.




In Plain Terms, He Speaks–I am channeling Yoda, here

Okay. So sometimes I am very stubborn and I take a while to do the right thing (I know, that’s not so good) (Smile) (Ahem, I mean: Sad smile) (Open-mouthed smile) (haha) (You know how I love parenthesis).

My friend Penni is going CRAZY walking for Trek! I am soooo very proud of her. She walks about four or five miles every DAY. She is such an amazing girl! She has been inviting (pushing) me to walk with her but I have been resisting. Like I am a particle whose velocity is pulling her forward, but her acceleration is declining in a negative manner. Calculus joke.

Today while I was reading my scriptures, I was seeking the scripture that says,

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
(New Testament | Matthew 5:16)

I thought Matthew 5:41! I was so sure that was it, so I turned to it to make sure. Want to know what it said?

And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.

(New Testament | Matthew 5:41)

Smile Heavenly Father must have known that I wouldn’t go unless He told me to. So He told me to in plain words. I love Him.

So I called Penni and now we are walking buddies. Smile


QUEEN of ( ) and the infamous Smile