
Less Wise but More Content

Today I got my wisdom teeth out! I wasn't put under since I went to my dentist instead of an oral surgeon.  I guess I had the option to be put out, but they didn't tell us about it and then when we got there they said that they needed a heads up so I could come early enough for it to kick in. Welp, we missed that boat! Haha

At first I was a little worried, but I decided to take it like a Winchester (hello, Supernatural). They gave me some laughing gas. I mostly just felt really happy and okay with that stuff, though I did laugh at nothing three times. That's all! Not that much. I told myself to stop because I did not want to be that crazy girl laughing by herself while the dentist waited for her numbing shots to get working.

The teeth themselves were mighty stubborn, but we got them out after two hours or so. I was so numb that I really only felt the intense pressure or digging in my mouth and then pulling teeth that were clearly really happy where they were. I had to get nine sutures, and it was really weird watching the string and needle come out of my mouth and then back in.  Sort of surreal.

I expected to hurt a ton more. Right now I mostly feel a pressure in my mouth, but I feel fine. Just really sleepy.

On a spiritual and somewhat unrelated note, as I read my scriptures today I felt so calmed and peaceful. I know that the Book of Mormon is true guys. I am so grateful for this gospel and I am so so so excited to share it with the El Salvador and Belize peoples! I am so so happy! I know that the Lord asks us to do hard things, but He does it so we can learn to trust Him, and so that we can become like Him one day. It needs to be hard so we can do that. I am grateful for the path I have taken, and I know it will lead me to my Father and my Savior one day.

Welp. Just be grateful for your sound and healthy teeth! And a diet that does not have to consist of liquids...


P.S. My awesome friends Penni and Pemma brought me ice cream!! How nice of them! <3 p="" yuuum="">

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