
I'm Worth Following...?

After studying for 2 hours I finished my homework with 10 minutes to spare before my 4 o'clock Civ class. So for a brain break I went onto my Twitter account and went to my eldest tweets.

Oh, wow, I was one deep fifteen year old. I was just changing the world with all my amazing words of wisdom! Actually, that statement is a major lie. So while all my fellow classmates were discussing deep philosophical moral saving questions, I was laughing at just how ridiculousness I am!
I am sharing my words of grandness with you, I hope you enjoy them one faction as much as I did. 

I subjected myself to embarrassment as I was laughing at my phone in hysterics.

Here is one of my very first tweets. Make sure to admire my spelling. My "no"ledge of spelling is superb... or something. 

Here I am quoting my mom. Not sure why I thought it was worth sharing since no one else would understand it. Oh snap. I did it again! I can't help share to no one who will understand!

Haha... That is my morning optimism speaking...  Me clean? Real truth will come later in this post. 

Oh.. You know all ya need is a hamster ball and you are set. But you get strange looks from eleven year olds in the neighborhood who are wondering why your "soccer ball" is moving by itself.  

Um.... 5 points for whoever knows what this is referring to. 

 The truth.

My wisdom for Laura, oh philosophical self. 

Those golden shoes did control the weather. And squished my feet. 


This is ironic. But no worries Laura is going to start blogging manically again! And what face is this

I don't even know.....

The joys of living in BC! Tis an adventure!

Oh... I don't even know if this is funny. But it kinda is.... AH

Then I could do this!

Or if a goat is too much of a hardship to get then you than here:

Oh my life is such a hardship. 



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