
The End of the Froshy Year

When I came to college I did not expect that it would be so great.  I got to meet so many new people!  We did service together (and I got hit in the head with a tree at a service thing--but that's another story), went to the temple together, attended class together, studied together, ate together, even slept in the same bed together.  We learned and grew and helped each other out so much!  We loved each other!

The very thing that makes college so awesome makes it so very, very difficult.  My friends are leaving and so am I!  I won't see them for about 2 years.  We're leaving everything.  Even our awesome little dorm rooms!  I am cleaning and packing, and now my room is a dismal shade of white.  Where there were once butterflies and posters, there is just cinder block.  Sad, right?!  But that just leaves room for the next froshy to come along and decorate!  I am so glad I got to come to BYU and meet these people I am privileged to call my very best friends.  I shan't forget them any time soon. 

I am really grateful for my friends back at home who make this easier.  I haven't seem some of them in so long, and I am excited to hang out with them!  WOO!  And then there's the mission, which I am so excited for.  Not really a pumped up sort of excitement, but more of a quiet thrill of joy at the thought of being able to share the Lord's gospel with people.

Well, as things come to a close at BYU, I am still looking forward to the future.

Because in case you didn't know, my future is bright!


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