
The Perfect Day

This week has been pretty great so far.

I never thought of breakfast as a community event until Pelly, a friend from Provo, started making it one. If we went to the temple together in the morning, she would excitedly suggest breakfast. It's her favorite meal. I have never met anyone who loves breakfast as much as Pelly. So we started making breakfast a big deal. Now I am the one who is extremely excited about breakfast! I love breakfast food anywho, but pancakes and talking to the most awesome people I know makes breakfast 14879340532757x better. 

Yesterday started off with a wonderful breakfast with Penni and Emma (don't have to change her name, she already blogs. haha). It was so much fun sitting and talking a bit before setting out for a HIKE! I am really appreciative of Penni and Emma for going on this adventure, because it was steep and sort of scary coming down. hahaha And we didn't think it would be that bad.  It wasn't really that bad, but I think I just didn't think about it as much as Emma and Penni did.  Though in hindsight, I probably should have.  I am going to make a guess and say they will probably live longer than I will.

After our hike to the waterfall we swam together!  It was perfect weather for swimming, and the water was just right.  We floated like dead people (I don't know why either).  It cracked me up and I would start laughing under water, which isn't good if you don't want water in your nose.

Then I completed my physical for my mission papers! WHOO! All is well, except I need to get a shot in August. MAN, this is so exciting! Now I just need some interviews, and a dentist's appointment.  How is that for legit? Answer: LEGIT AND DANG AWESOME!

I am so proud of all my friends who have decided to serve missions. I know they will be great.  I know the Lord will help us as we strive to do His will and serve His children.  We who are on the Lord's mission are entitled to His help--not in a whiny or proud way.  Just in a "Of course He will help, this is His work!" way. ha

Well, adios amigos.

I GUESS EMMA IS GOING TO the place that the Lord has been preparing for her since the beginning. (cop out, but so true that it is sort of beautiful).


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