
Art History Tests

Today I took a test in Art History 201.  I studied, but I could have studied more.  Also, there was more information than last time.  Anyway, it is my fault. :-/ 
So I go in there, and have the thought that I may fail.  Then I decided I would never fail. NEVER!

And then I went in to take my test. .... Some were okay.  I got to this one that looked like the Temple of Hera II, but was the Parthenon! I was just sort of like:

I mean, I should know what the Parthenon looks like, right?  Ha!
 And then by the end I was just thinking, "Well, this isn't that great anyway!" 
But it's all good, because I get to drop one test!  I am really glad, too, because this one didn't turn out too hot.  But hey, at least I know I really need to study better next time!  WOOHOO.



And Let The Waiting Begin!

I have my last two interviews this week!! Then my papers are in!!! Ahhhh
Hopefully soon to be Sister Emma


Late Nights and Cheesy Funeral Potatoes

I am incredibly sleepy today.  I only got about 5 hours of sleep, but I can usually deal.  NO, not any more.  College has changed me.  I used to be able to sort of coast through high school because it was really easy.  Now I sleep a lot more because college is a lot harder, and just plain takes a lot out of me.

Hey, so let me introduce one of my new friends real fast.  Her name is Kelly, she's a sophomore, and she is really, really, funny.  Kelly is a friend of Ali's from rugby, and a friend of mine through Ali and mission prep.  Ali has been friends with her since rugby started, but I only met her this semester. 

I think Kelly sort of thinks of me this way:

In reality, I am just too cool.

So, yesterday Ali and I went to her apartment to eat some Sunday dinner!  I can't remember why, but she owed it to us for some reason.  She made some bomb funeral potatoes (super cheesy, yuuum), pork, corn, carrots, and crescent rolls!  We met some of her roommates and random boys that kept coming to her apartment.  We also played some Just Dance 4 and made some amazingly yummy cookies (and she left some at our dorrrrm!!!).

She then came to our dorm and Ali "jammed."  Kelly played the guitar really well, and Ali sang beautifully.  I read my scriptures, we talked a lot, and before we knew it it was 3 am!  We decided Kelly would sleep over.  Somehow Ali and Kelly ended up in my bed and I ended up in Ali's. I'm not complaining, Ali has a really comfy pillow. :)

Went to bed at four thirty, awoke at 9:30.  'Twas fun until I had to wake up.

Well, folks, I hope you take advantage of sleep.



Wednesdays Shouldn't Be Wednesdays Right After a Tuesday That Was a Monday

Today has been A-OK, except for the fact that my lovely school that I love has decided to make our Tuesday back from President's Day a Monday schedule day. ... And then the next day was still Wednesday.  HOMEWORK!  Whoo, that stuff is fun.  I usually wouldn't mind, but I have harder classes with more homework on Monday and Wednesday

I am in Art History right now (AAAH I should be listening.  Not really, this day has been entirely too long for me and just keeps going.  It is only 4:25, guys), and am taking notes like a fiend. ... On the other side of my screen. No, really. 

  Told ya. 

So how is your schooling going?


That's good.

Hey, if you want you can check out my mission preparation blog!  Come see what I believe? :)



Tuesdays Shouldn't Be Mondays

^that is all I am going to say about that matter.

Well, it is spring outside! Well, at least all the benches at Brigham square are being used, well, except the ones with snow on them. {I am using the word 'well' a lot.}

I like the sun.

Tests. Never mind let us not talk about those. How about we talk about how I can find a comfy position as I am sitting. Isn't that an intriguing subject?


Ewwwww! {Not ewe, silly autocorrect.} The wind is picking up!!! Ahhhh someone unleashed the humans! So many appear during breaks!

Well, I think I will stop my useless ranting of thought.

Good day,
Wait! I tried to refrain but I just couldn't!!! Look at my shoes!!!


Quick Post

Just really wanted to say hello. Haven't much else to say except I am taking a Civ test tomorrow that is scaring meeehhhh!!!!
Love Emma


About the Cats

I just think it is quite funny that we went from having a simple "sophisticated" hipster look to pastel cats. I am not criticizing it, just noting! Imagine in 20 years when we look back at this post and think "what was that about?" haha. I have a large concern... I have lost the little ability I once had in spelling. Especially when I am taking quizzes! :S Speaking of spelling, why does quizzes have to z's?

My family goes to Disneyland this week! With out me................