
And I'm Free, Free-zing, Free-zing

My mom is pretty conservative. Especially when it comes to turning on the heater! I. Am. Freezing! So much so that I have used one of my favorite songs to fit my current coldness, with a few changes to the words. Free Falling By John Mayer

"And I'm free, free-zing, free-zing!

Instead of "And I'm free, free falling, falling."

To prove my coldness I will provide this evidence. I woke up with the blankets still cold against my skin! When I took a shower my feet freaked out because it felt like the sensation of going from a bucket of ice water to a hot tub! Then when I pumped out the shampoo it was thicker than usual because the difference in temperature! The coldness also allegedly made it so I could not comb my hair. So I conversed my complaints with my mom. She agreed it was cold but said she wouldn't turn on the heater until this afternoon. She wants to be sure this coldness it here to stay. I begged her to change it. In fact, most of our conversations this morning of been either about my freezing or my cat. (My cat is a whole other story!) Luckily my dear mom does care dearly about me. She brought me a blanket and had me put on my shoes and socks. I am also wearing my gloves.

I must say that I am most ardently grateful for long sleeve shirts!

_Em Ro the free, free-zing, freezing girl!

Spelling: 2

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