
Random thoughts...

You have gotten so old since I last talked to you!
Yes, this is Laura, and I am blogging.
But I would have you know that I haven't been not blogging because I don't care about you.
It's because I am hopelessly busy all the time!
I have lots of homework and stuff going on at home, and I'm doing lots of personal progress and ACT study. Also, I have made some amazing new friends who I love oh-so-much, who take up and unhealthy amount of my time. But I shouldn't make excuses.
I do intend to blog more. School ends next Thursday (not that I'm gonna go to the last days or anything) and I will have much more free time which I can devote to posting descriptions of my personal life onto the Internet.
I am at school right now, and I just finished my chemistry core test. It seems this is how many of my blog posts go... "I'm at school -- here is an update on my life like you care"
But beggers can't be choosers, so I will type about whatever I so desire and you will read it and be happy or I suppose you could stop reading WTCA.
I stayed up until 1:00 AM last night doing this stupid project for my child development class. There were other people in my group, but they decided that since they were already going to fail the class then they might as well not put any effort into this project. So I ended up doing it all on my lonesome. Twas very sad and lonely, but now I have a good grade and those other kids can flunk out of high school and work at Burger King for all I care.
Speaking of high school...
I am going to be a senior next year! O.O
That's bad!
Do you know what that means? That means there is only ONE YEAR until I got to college!
And that means I'm getting old!
Gosh, I don't like this business. :P
This is not a proper update on my life, but class is going to end soon so I need to end this passage. Perhaps I will find time in my hectic life to tell you more later.
Love bunches,

Our blog is turning 1 1/2 years old on June 30. We should celebrate. :D

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