
Small Hinges, Small Choices

“Have you ever looked at one of those 16-foot farm gates? When it is opened, it swings very wide. The end at the hinges moves ever so slightly, while out at the perimeter the movement is great. It is the little things upon which life turns that make the big difference in our lives, my dear young friends.” --Gordon B. Hinckley, A Prophet's Counsel and Prayer for Youth, Ensign, Jan 2001

Throughout our days, weeks, months, years, and very lives, we are bombarded with choices. Some are very big choices, such as which College to attend, or who to choose as an eternal companion. Some seem comparatively small, such as what to wear to school, or whether or not to study for that test tomorrow.

And yet these very choices are fundamental to personal growth and development. One day of missing scripture study might not hurt you that bad, right? Well, maybe not, but that choice will. Every choice we make influences the rest of our choices. Do you think that you could be more prone to making that decision again, and then again, if you will only do it once? I know I have felt that way about many things. Let’s make the decision today about what we will and will not do.

A small helm can lead a big ship, my friends. If you feel like you are making those small decisions everyday without being accountable or making a difference, please remember that you are. Your decisions today make you who you are tomorrow. What you did yesterday made you who you are today.


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