
Guess who..... :):)

Hey, blog readers!! :)
Guess who this is.
This is LAURA!!!!!
Yes, Laura.  Otherwise known as Laur.
Otherwise known as the one who hasn't blogged since like 3 lifetimes ago.

I know, I know.  I sort of ditched this blog.  I got really really busy and forgot to write on it for a long time.  Then when I had time to think about blogging again, all my other friends had made their own blogs.  So I made my own blog, and I try to write on it frequently however most of my posts are just me complaining.  And nobody reads my blog, but WTCA has accumulated over 7000 pageviews since it's inception that one new year's eve... congrats, guys. :)

So now I'm in college at University of Utah; I'm currently in biology class.  I work at a Domino's Pizza and spend pretty much all my time doing homework and complaining on my other blog.  That's pretty much my whole life right now.  Boring, right?  Miss Emma and Miss Mariah must have fantastic lives at BYU, and that's why so many people read this blog and so few read mine.

Here's a letter:

To whoever made WTCA look so beautiful,
I don't know if you're Mariah or Emma, but I'm sure you know who you are.  My blog is unattractive, and WTCA looks fantastic and perfect.  I've tried to spice up my blog, but the blogger template sites don't make any sense to me because I'm a blonde at heart.  Whoever added so much beauty to WTCA, text me please.  I would like to hire you to beautify my blog.  I will pay you in candy or whatever we negotiate.
Miss Laura

Dang it, the teacher is teaching biology stuff that I don't already know.... I have to go take notes now.  But I hope that all ya'all are happy, because I've received an alarming amount of requests to post on WTCA recently.  Have a fantastic day. :)
<3 aur="aur" p="p">

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