
Preference PARTAY!

So I went to preference!! Something that I was at first unsure about. But I am definitely glad I went. I need to be more social! Well, I am social, just not in certain situations (aka anywhere boys are included in the mix.... haha oops. I am working on it okay!!!)

Well, wonderful Annie and LJ were my personal stylists! They did my hair and make-up! They are seriously pros! I am glad to have such talented gals as my friends. Photo? I know... me and selfies... but you should see their fabulous work!

Here is a non-selfy 
Okay... I may have jumped my curls out! That is my easiest moves, jumping up and down. Which I got to do A LOT of tonight!

So I forgot that I don't know how to dance with out Mariah by my side.... Haha. So for the first part of the dance I was trying to remember the killer moves Mariah and I just seem to pull out of our back pockets. Well, I must have sewn my pockets shut, trapping all dancing move ideas inside, because I couldn't think of what to do! Especially during the country songs (which was the theme of the dance... oops again). Luckily I brought with me the funnest dancer at the dance. He has come to the conclusion in his life that you should just dance as crazy as you feel you possibly can! So we did.

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