

Can you guess who this is?
If you guessed Emma, then you are DEAD WRONG!
If you guessed Laura, then you are DEAD RIGHT!
Yes, this is Laura!
I know, I haven't posted in a while, so I have come to repent.

At this point, you may be wondering one or more questions.
Here are the answers to the questions you are wondering:

Q: Why is this post named Undesirable?
A: I couldn't think of anything to name this post before I began writing it, so I went to a random word generator and that is the first word that came up. I hope that random blog post names aren't especially annoying or undesirable in your life.

Q: Why does your blog look like this?
A: Meh... long story involving Emma being... well... Emma. I know, it's a little undesirable, but I assure you that it will be back to 100% very soon! Hopefully the wait isn't too undesirable.
Note: Even after construction is finished, random fire alarms may go off at times. If these happen, (as undesirable as they may be) please go stand out in the snow and find your assigned trusted adult. :D
Q: How is your life going?
A: SO GLAD YOU ASKED! Well, it's definitely not undesirable. 3rd trimester just started, and my classes are fabulous. I got all A's last trimester, and I'm studying bunches for the next ACT in April so I can do well and get into college. I've been doing lots of Personal Progress with my friend Amanda Fatty Epic Fail Gail Brown, and although that can be a lot of work at times, it definitely isn't undesirabe.

I plead the 5th for any future questions... gosh, paparazzi. So undesirable.

Have a fantastic day!
Make a new friend!
Don't get kicked out of grocery stores! (like I did today)
Follow our blog! :D


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