
The Pets Emma Desire

Hmmm... I have a dilEMMA. I want a new pet. Yet because my mother is not a pet person it is always a struggle to get a new one. :( At the moment I have no pet within my house. I do have 5 outside dwellers..... BUT I NEED A PET TO BE INSIDE! A CUTE CUDDLY PET! Then to continue with my problem each day it seems like I want a different pet. Wednesday: I wanted a puppy! Well actually Wednesday morning I wanted a duck.... Then I found these cute little things: http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=389&search=maltese&ssid=15023763#1 They are the most adorable things EVER! Thursday: I had a brilliant idea. I wanted a pet that was princess like. Something like a bird!!!! I really really wanted a bird. I don't think my parent will go for it. Friday: I kept rambling about my longing for a bird. Saturday! A... wait I can't spell it...... oh a Chameleon!!! LOOK: http://www.petsmart.com/product/zoom/index.jsp?productId=3893819 Tomorrow I will want a: My mom suggested that I just train on of my bunnies to be an indoor pet.... HAHA.

Spelling error! NONE! :))

1 comment:

  1. The first time I read the 'unideer' on your picture I thought you were trying to spell reindeer! I figured you might have misspelled it, or that I couldn't read cursive. :P It didn't register until today that it is a unideer!
    I also thought his horn was a party hat...


    Oh, I need sleep.
