
Post 166

Even if it doesn't seem like we have put too much into our blog we truly have. 166 posts are nothing to sneeze at. (What a strange phrase. Why would I sneeze at anything, besides dust?) Well this is Emma dearest! This weekend has been splendid! I am nervous that it will go oh too quickly. How is everyone lovin' General Conference? I sure am enjoying it. Yesterday was April Fools Day! Hehe I pulled the greatest prank EVER. Have a look see: http://yfrog.com/h815okjj My mother has been plagued with questions. Haha XD. I don't believe that my parents liked my prank nearly as much as I did. Actually I know that as a fact. But this is the first year that I was able to pull off a prank. Except one lame one from the fifth grade. All I could think of is turning my milk this ugly brown color with food dye. Then no one would drink the milk. Well I registered for my senior year! Wow. That is all I have to say. Farewell... Spelling: 1 P.s. I officially could make an AWESOME GANGSTA! :) Yay that makes me oh so very happy! Spelling now: add one more so 2

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part?

    "166 posts are nothing to sneeze at."
