
Hellos, Music, and Randomsauce

Hello! This is Emma dearest. I just wanted to check in!

So I was thinking about what I could write about and I decided to talk about songs that have effected my life at the moment.

  • For starters this is my "17 Year Old Theme Song"

I may have mentioned it before.

"War of My Life"-- By John Mayer


"Come out angles, come out ghost, come out darkness bring everyone you know. I'm not running, I'm not scared, I am waiting and well prepaired. I'm in the war of my life, at the door of my life, out of time and there is no where to run."

This song means so much to me! I think everyone is facing their war of their life. Right now I am making big decsions that are coming so quickly! But "I got no choice but to fight tell it is done". I know that if I am preparied that no ghost or darkness can overcome me.

  • Now on a less serious note, here is "Kid Remix #1" by the creators of Kid History


For some reason I really think it is kinda catching..... haha. Plus it mentions our home state Utah! Rock on. Um... I am not sure if this really effected my life, but I posted it anyways.

  • This song just popped in my head. I mentioned this to my friends in math and the whole story seemed to confuse them. It was the second or third day of school. I had woken up at 3:39 and was unable to fall back asleep. So, after waiting 20 minutes, I picked up my phone and went on facebook. One of my favorite bands had posted a video just moments before, so I took a look. It is odd, especially since I was watching it at four in the morning. Weird way to start the day. The song is a cover of Coldplays song "Scientist"-Which I absolutely love!


So yeah. Let pigs live on the farm. This one did effect my day at 4:00 in the morning, in a strange way. P.s. Coldplay sings that song amazingly! So I will post that one just because I love the original!


I think that is all for today folks!


Spelling: It says zero but I dont quite believe it.

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