
Things I Love {not in order}

  1. The Help—a poignant, memorable novel and movie about the ladies who were thought to be ‘separate but equal’, yet were anything but.
  2. Keane’s old album, Hopes and Fears. I love this album because it is so easy to listen and get lost into. Somehow they know me. I can relate to many of their songs, and I find myself wanting to understand the others. I am really questioning why I like the music I like now. It takes a little bit of soul-searching, but I really enjoy it.
  3. Conversations with Emma Rose. She is funny, intelligent, kind, spiritual, friendly, and thought-provoking. She is truly one of the best friends a girl could hope for. <3
  4. All of my friends. Laura—so smart and crazy fun. Kemyla—so dedicated and crazy scary (just joking… (I added the just kidding for my safety)).
  5. Yuriko. She was an exchange student who came last summer. She was my sister and great friend for two weeks, and I hope for a lot longer.
  6. The Scriptures. I seriously get so much out of them—especially when I don’t wanna read them. Every once in a while I get this little crazy person in my head who thinks she knows everything. She tries to tell me I can skip one day of scripture reading and I will be just fine. Then the other Mariah shows up, you know, the good one who Heavenly Father sends, and talks some reason into my heart. He doesn’t apply to my brain. He goes straight for my heart (how does He know that always works??). Then I get to reading and find out I am not the only one. I start to realize a little bit more about myself by reading more about Him. That’s so weird, yet it seems like a matter of fact.
  7. The Savior. I don’t know how He does it. He loves me even when I am not so loveable, calms me down, and always watches over me. He knows exactly how I feel. That’s amazing to me. He died for me and rose again for me. He did not do it just for me. He did it for all of us!



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