
Mariah’s First Day

Today was the first day of school! :S

We took a small tour of the school, met our counselors, took pictures, and met the teachers! I have to say I LOVE my classes! I have a multimedia class I am excited for, and AP art. I am a little scared for AP Art, seeing as how he wants us to create about 40 pieces of art for the year! FOURTY. D: But I am excited at the same time.

Ecstatic for Seminary! It’s going to be a blast. I know all of the teachers are great, but I hope I have a new one this trimester. It’s nice to be with familiar teachers, but it’s also really nice to learn about the church with everybody’s unique teaching style and abilities.


What a great song! My favorite part for some reason:

“Mister Sandman, bring us a dream
Give him a pair of eyes with a "come hither" gleam
Give him a lonely heart like Pagliacci
And lots of wavy hair like Liberace”

I think I like it because it’s fun to sing. Not necessarily because I want a “dream”. And one day I shall have a “dream”—just not now.


Love, M


Recap of Summer

Dear fellow friends,

This message is approved by Emma.

What a wonderful, crazy, busy, blissful, and enjoyable summer! I have loved every moment of it. Today is Monday.... haha just so you know. Yet it is not just any Monday. It is the last day of my summer vacation! I slept in until 10:15! I haven't been able to do that in the longest time.

Just last Saturday Jessica, Kemyla, Mariah and I went to another concert! Oh do I love concerts! They are pap!

Haha one quick side note. Just a moment ago my house phone started to ring. So I rushed to the phone. On the caller ID my mother's number appeared. So I answered. I always say HELLO in a strange way when one of my family members call. I said my hello and then my mom said, "Ahhh hello may I make an order?". I replied "Um mom, this is Emma." Haha my mother had the wrong number! She laughed along with me and then she said goodbye. I love my mother dearest!

Okay well back to concerts! I LOVE THEM!!!! To be in the crowd, with a bright stage before you, while music engulfs you, the whole sensation is amazing. It moves you in a way no other element can. Wholesome, uplifting music can change your attitude. Sometimes I see the I-tunes best selling music and I feel disappointed. Some of the songs are shallow, scary and not worth your time. Recently I have been listening to small group singers, (not the big name stars whose music may be fun to listen to for 10 minutes). I love the undiscovered talent I am finding. Their music is pure, fun and real! I deeply appreciate their work! On Saturday we listened to a group called Truman. Two brothers that truly have talent! It was tons of fun and very pap.

You may be noticing that I use the word pap a lot. Well that would be true because pap is an AWESOMESAUCE word! :D

Well my life has been beyond busy the last few weeks..... It has worn me out! I am glad I had some down time today to write to ya'll.

Thank you for your support!

P.s. Thanks to all that voted on the dream poll! Yes I am strange but you must agree that I am also quite amazing and pap!


Spelling errors: twelve...... I need to improve before school starts.... :S

To see a bit of the awesome brother duo TRUMAN click here!


Breaking of the Fast

Alright. So I’ve (Mariah here, the only one who finds time to blog—come on Leatherettes!) been on an internet fast for like a week or so, right? Right! I have been breaking it “accidentally” though. I haven’t been on Facebook! Maybe that’s what I should really be taking a long break from…

Anyway. Today I was looking at www.lds.org. What a great site! I followed a link to www.mormon.org/people. As I searched the website and found people JUST LIKE ME (!!!) (sorry for the random outburst of HAPPINESS) (But I am not really sorry because we all need a little more happiness) I felt so happy (there’s that word again!! HAPPINESS)!

I found Rose, who inspires me very VERY much. That amazing woman that she is! I found Ryan, who is working at a record label company or something—anyway his life stories are inspiring to me.

Hahahjshehehejhfajssjf I need to sleep. I was supposed to sleep A LONG time ago. It’s 12:36 AM now.

Whoops. 12:56 AM now. BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYU BYE BYE!


Take My Advice, Please!

So… Let me-uh-tell-yuh what happened.

I am a friend of Disney on Facebook, ¿si? Yes. Today they posted a beautiful picture of Rapunzel from the new Disney movie, Tangled. I loved it!

The only problem being her impossibly thin waist! What’s up with that? I voiced my opinion on how little kids take that image in their mind and want to be like that. All these people started to saw it’s “stylized” and “art”. Now, I know it’s stylized. That doesn’t make it right. As an artist myself, I understand the power of the pencil. Art can make people cry, laugh, love, hate. It can certainly change how one sees herself/himself.

Some people tried to tell me to “stop whining”. Now, I will tell the whole world right here I will never stop saying what needs to be said! :)

Now I will leave my soapbox. … To get on another one.

It’s okay not to be skinny! Healthy is good, but skinny doesn’t mean healthy. I wish I could tell those little girls (and even boys nowadays) that they don’t need to fit the mold. We can do whatever we want because we are just that cool. I want to tell them never to underestimate themselves! Even when some may tell them, “Dear, you’re just too fat.” or “You can’t possibly do that.”

BECAUSE WE CAN DO IT. Think about those things you want to do in life. Think about the things that make you happy—and live them. Do them. Be them! Be you! And don’t think of what others think should be included in ‘you’. This is YOU we’re talking about. Not Ashley, or Stacey or Brad Pitt! Not those girls who make fun of you! Where are they going anyway? You can’t answer that question because you don’t know. But we know where you’re going! You are going somewhere great when you are following your dreams and growing to be a better version of you with your own standard of the “American Dream”. We are the dreams, baby.

*sigh* okay, I am done now.



I'm going camping in a few minutes.
Not too sure how I feel about that...

<3 Laura


Mariah’s Rantings!

Today has been pretty good.

I got up at six thirty from sleeping on the tramp with my mom (she tried to sleep out there with only one thin quilt, and I had to teach her how to do it) and went on a walk. :) Morning walks are really fun. Except my mom and I kept getting “alien looks” from the people who were driving.

I quote from Ray Bradbury’s The Pedestrian,

“Sometimes he would walk for hours and
miles and return only at midnight to his house. And
on his way he would see the cottages and homes with
their dark windows, and it was not unequal to
walking through a graveyard where only the faintest
glimmers of firefly light appeared in flickers behind
the windows. Sudden gray phantoms seemed to
manifest upon inner room walls where a curtain was
still undrawn against the night, or there were
whisperings and murmurs where a window in a tomblike
building was still open.”


I am going to see a movie tonight and maybe decide to charge my phone. Maybe… :)

Love, Mariah

A great song I cannot get out of my noggin.


Amazing Day

Happy Amazing Day!

Yesterday (it's 12:53 am) Ems, Laur, Yuriko, Nao, Ashley, Jessica, Mary, and I went to a concert, In and Out Burger, and Coldstone! Well on our way there... WE MET DONNY OSMOND. WHUT, YEAH--REALLY. It was so cool! We saw him riding his bike with his wife and son. Of course we turned around from our original destination and stopped a little ahead. Mary jumped out and asked if we could meet him because we have two foreign exchange students in our van. He stoppped!!! I didn't understand because I just saw him wizz by. Then Yuriko was telling me something in Japanese really fast and freaking me out! I didn't know what she was telling me to do! Finally I looked behind me and saw Donny Osmond over my shoulder! D: :D He was super nice, and we were able to take pictures!

After that we went to the Benton Paul concert. GREAT JOB, BENTON! And Jenn! It was amazingly wonderful. My favorite song Benton Paul sang was "The Devil".

Now it is 3:10 (I take a long time... because I leave and come back to write) am.


Goodbye, world.



Strange Reoccurence

Good morning!
This is Emma, broadcasting to you live from outer space!

Let us go back in time. A fair amount of time. Let us go to August 2009. Right before the beginning of my high school career! One night, after I had fallen asleep, a strange dream over came me. I was walking through the halls of a school that looked like a mix of the middle school and the old high school. Many peculiar things occurred. Yet the part that stands out to me most was the following. I was feeling quite sick so I called my dear mother to have her come pick me up. When she arrived and went to sign me out I decided that it would be a bad idea to miss the first day of school. So I apologized and asked if I could tough it out and try to stay in school for the rest of the day. She agreed and then promptly left. So I looked at my schedule and my next class was the History of Pumpkin Carving! How awesome but quite ostentatious. So as I was walking to the class room where the history of pumpkin carving was held I met up with Laura! We were walking and talking about our classes. She too had the history of pumpkin carving class. Then out of the blue, Laura's pocket began to ring. She took out her phone and said "Emma your sister Amy is calling." Her phone was my home phone that she carried around. I took the phone and talked with my sister. Amy went on to tell me that she had tickets to see the musical play WICKED and told me that if I left right then we could make it to California in time to see it. So I decided to leave school early and go see the play! hahaha I LOVE THIS STORY.

Now last night, while I had some sleep, I had a dream. Also about PUMPKIN CARVING! What is this madness? I was in Spanish class and the teacher told us that we would all grab a pumpkin. Our assignment was to carve the pumpkins. It was just like a test so he had us separate into different rooms. I started to carve my pumpkin and it was looking superb on the outside. Then I went to work on taking all its guts out. Yet to my dismay, when I opened it it was full of mold! I hate mold. I cry when I see mold. I am plainly scared of mold! So I stopped and refused to continue. Then my teacher came in to see how it was going. I told him of my problema (Spanish word). He said that if I did not finish carving I would flunk the class. Well it was a tough choice but in the end I carved the pumpkin despite my fear of mold. The End!

May all you have strange dreams of school and pumpkin carving!


Spelling: 13



Laura, I am so stinking proud of you!!!! :D I MOST ARDENTLY IN LOVE WITH POST 100! :)) So I was skeptical to watch your video. I was thinking that it could not be the greatest dance ever unless it came from So You Think You Can Dance! You just made my day!!! Here is a gold badge for you!
See ya! Emma
Spelling: 1 and I was typing as fast as I could!

Post 101!

School is coming abruptly! I just realized how much summer is really dwindling down. If you absolutley are afaird of school do not, I repeat, DO NOT read this next part!
Only 18 days left of summer, sunshine, and happiness!


Post #100!

Dearest bloggers across the world,
This is Laura, your favorite Leatherette.
I am writing this to tell you that this is the 100th post from We Three Can't Agree!
So, in honor of this, I have this amazing video for all of you. (not the same one as the other post, btw)
Yay for post #100!

OMG so funny!

Hello, planet earth!
This is Laura!
Watch this video... it is so funny!
Have a marvelous day!
Don't eat at McDonalds... it's not worth it!


Amazing Times

For two weeks my family and I have the pleasure of having a foreign exchange student at our house! I am so excited and pleased she’s here. Her English is limited, so I find myself gesturing when I talk a lot of the time. I don’t know if I will be able to get out of the habit! ;)

She’s shown me the wonders of origami, paper balloon balls, and fish (although fish is not that wonderful and makes my stomach curl).

Today she put an okata (spelling??) or kimono on me! It was so cool. I felt Japanese for a moment! I would not be able to wear it for a long time though. :S The Japanese have such a unique culture!

Today Laura, Yuriko, and I toured our city. It was great! HOT, but great.

Just a quick side note, I love prayer! Try it guys, it works.

“And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing.  For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray ye would know that ye must pray; for the devil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray.
  But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.”

(Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 32:8 - 9)

See you later!
