
Written from a school computer :D

Hello, world!
This is Laura, posting from a school computer. :D
I'm in photography class right now, which is a pointless class in which we do absolutely nothing.
This is what I decided I'm going to do this weekend:
1. Do my homework. (that's number one so I'll remember to do it haha)
2. Marker fight at Ems house tomorrow! :D
3. Gotta clean my room. This one's not gonna happen.
4. Go to church.
5. Die my hair.
That's all.

*Random letter in the middle of the post*
Dearest Emma,
I am writing this epistle with fancy Pride and Prejudice-type words, because that is what I am reading right now and I most ardently enjoy it. Recently, I have come across a quite unfortunate intrusion in my well-being; namely, our blog picture. I see it as being quite unusual and slightly disturbing. I most ardently wish that you change it immediately.
With all due respect,
Laura Jo
*Last name withheld because this is the internet and I don't want any creepers stalking me...*
*End of random letter*

Cinnamon challenge?
I think yes!

I freakin love you bunches and bunches and hope that you have the best birthday ever even though I want to punch your parents for not buying you stuff and I hope that you have lots of fun being a legal adult and stuff! (haha you're still too young to drink and rent cars)

Have a fantastic day!
Don't do drugs!
Don't have sex!
You know how it goes... haha


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