

I didn’t think I would miss high school. And I don’t. But I sort of miss my memories there. I ran into Brother (Jim) (do I still call him brother? hahha) Peterson. He is and will always be my favorite seminary teacher.

Seminary has been a large part of my life for the past four years. I have a strong testimony that it is exactly. what the youth need. It was exactly. what I needed. I think this is one of the main reasons I want to be a seminary teacher. I  love the gospel. I love the youth. I love teaching the gospel and I love teaching it to the youth. c:

One of my favorite parts of trek was sitting with my ‘sisters’ and talking quietly and then giggling every two minutes (our ‘bros’ on the other side of our tarp kept telling us to ‘shut up’ and ‘go to bed already’). We had some awkward question time, and then somehow we started talking about the gospel and seminary and seeing people for who they really are. One girl told us she was worried she would get a bad seminary class with those kids who didn’t want to be there and the loud ones. The others agreed. All I could think of was how each one of my seminary classes was meant to be. Each one. Each teacher I had. Each person in each class is supposed to be there, and I told them that. I got to bare my testimony that seminary was going to be what they made it, and that they were meant to be in the class they are in.

Anywho. I can’t wait, and I hope it happens for me. If not, well, that’s okay. Smile

I can’t wait until the future! I am loving the present too, but there are so many things to look forward to.

Sorry if you don’t like talking about Seminary. Oh, wait, not that sorry. ;D



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