
Mariah’s Innermost Thoughts

Hello people of the world!

I am scared for the future. Are any of you? But at the same time I am not scared at all! I am so excited because I know if I hang on to what really matters I can be lifted above the filth and meaningless heartache that we find in this world. I can hang onto Christ’s hand and he can lift me above it all, then set me down in the place I should be. :) I like to think of that place as either the temple or the celestial kingdom and I will be oh so happy! Sometimes it is hard to really believe it can happen, and I doubt because of all of the temptations, lies, and foolish, carnal things in this world. But then Heavenly Father sends something into my life to remind me He’s not forgotten me and I better not forget Him, unless I want my hand to slip out of His. And that’s not what He wants! He wants to slip me right down to the Celestial kingdom and then dwell with me there and raise me up to be just like Him and my elder brother! But the way there is through my elder brother. I can only dwell with Heavenly Father through the Savior and through the atonement. To become one again!!

It’s so weird how things on this earth seem so hard to put away. I mean, we all have ‘favorite sins’ right? Something we feel like we couldn’t live without? In EFY once we talked about it. He said something like, “Ever notice how when we repent we put all of the things we can give up on a sort of table for Jesus? Like, ‘I’ll give all of this up!’. But we think He won’t see the thing we’re hiding behind our back. ‘Oh you can have all of this on the table, but this thing behind my back? Oh no… But look at all the other stuff!’ It just doesn’t work that way.” I can’t remember it all word for word. I think it may have been Hank Smith from Utah (You go Hank from Utah! Mmmmhmm) speaking… Anyway. We can give it up. I struggle with the internet. Seems weird, huh? It takes up too much time in my life. I used to go on deviantart.com all the time! Now I am totally stopping because some people post disgusting “art” and there’s no way to guarantee I won’t stumble upon it. It seems so hard, but it’s so easy! Boo for Satan and his filthy little whispered lies.

Its also weird how I can start out talking about something that seems like it could not be gospel-centered, but I end up talking about the gospel. Guys, everything is centered on the gospel. EVERYTHING. So don’t you make fun of me for bringing it home. :)

So I shall see ya’ll later!

Emma, I am so glad you had a great time! And I am glad you are home! Let’s get our permits A.S.A.P! :):):)

-----MARIAH ELENA!-----

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